About School

"I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep,” said the poet Robert Frost. And so do we. We have come a long way since beginning in 1998. The journey has been an adventurous one. Of course, there were setbacks, hurdles, and a million more troubles. But there were also successes and achievements, and we progressed in leaps and bounds. After 18 years, when we look back, we realize what a wonderful journey it has been… It has not been exciting just because we set our sights on achieving our goals, but because we enjoyed each step we took, celebrated each day as it dawned, focused on the here and now; amazingly, the goals became easier to achieve.

Our students have made us proud by setting high goals for themselves and excelling in all possible fields—academics, sports, theatre, music, dance, modeling, films, management, industry… you name it, and we probably have an ex-student there. We have always tried to promote a feeling of camaraderie between our teachers and students, rather than creating the traditional teacher-student equation—with dominance on one side and fear on the other. This, perhaps, has been our greatest achievement!"