Withdrawal Rules

Six months' fee will be charged if the child leaves in mid session. If a student leaves the school before the end of the session, fees will be payable for full session. Under no circumstances will the fees be refunded or adjusted. In case of mid session admission, fee has to be paid in full, no part-payment will be accepted.

A Parent/Guardian can be asked to remove His/Her ward from the school due to any of the following reasons.

  • Constant weakness in studies.
  • Irregularities in attendance.

Should a parent, of his/her own accord decide against sending his/her child to the School, after depositing the admission fee, he/she is not entitled to a refund of the admission fee.

Parents and guardians who persistently disobey the School rules, or who are constantly over demanding in attitude will be deemed non - cooperative. In the absence of the possibility of a viable working relationship with them to the advantage of their wards, the Principal has the right to demand the withdrawal of the ward of the parent/guardian in question.

When parents / guardians of students are called to the school by Principal to discuss aspects of their children’s/ward’s academic performance or general behaviour, they must assume that the reasons for such a call are of considerable importance or urgency. Hence unless their co-operation is immediate and wholehearted, they shall be obliged to withdraw their children from the School. It is expected that all students should participate in any or all of the extra-curricular activities of the School when called upon to do so. Without exemption from the Principal, a student's refusal to comply in this matter will entail immediate and compulsory withdrawal of the student in question from the School.